A group of people stand on a rock filled beach over looking a large lake

Out of Office, But Checking Emails

We know we were a bit qui­et this sum­mer – because we were up to big things! Over the past few months, we’ve cel­e­brat­ed award wins and (in-per­son!) client events, gath­ered as a team for pro­fes­sion­al devel­op­ment, took a trip to Duluth togeth­er and much more! Here is a snap­shot of our sum­mer high­light reel!

Strive Book­store Grand Opening

A group of people gathered for a storefront ribbon cutting

Strive Book­store, the Black-owned com­mu­ni­ty pub­lish­er and book­store in down­town Min­neapo­lis, offi­cial­ly cel­e­brat­ed its pres­ence with food, art and live read­ings from its pub­lished authors. We were hon­ored to coor­di­nate media out­reach and cov­er­age sur­round­ing the grand open­ing, inclu­sive lit­er­a­ture and inspi­ra­tional founder.


Duluth Off­site

A group of people pose in front of a liftbridge

While part of our team reg­u­lar­ly spends time in our Duluth office, this sum­mer, our whole Bell­mont Part­ners crew hopped on a bus and head­ed north for a fun-filled day of pro­fes­sion­al devel­op­ment and bond­ing. This includ­ed stops at some Duluth favorites along with 90s triv­ia and snacks (cel­e­brat­ing our anniver­sary of being found­ed in August 1996!) – and plen­ty of blue sky and sunshine!


MSPBJ Best Places to Work

Four women pose with award plaque

Com­pa­nies from all around the Twin Cities gath­ered at Top­golf to cel­e­brate the Minneapolis/St. Paul Busi­ness Jour­nal’s 2022 Best Places to Work hon­orees. The award rec­og­nizes com­pa­nies for their work­place cul­ture and ben­e­fits, and we were grate­ful to make the list for the fifth time!


Mall of AmericaA group of people pose together

We had the priv­i­lege of help­ing Mall of Amer­i­ca (MOA) cel­e­brate its 30th birth­day! MOA cel­e­brat­ed its decades of inno­va­tion by host­ing a week-long STEAM event and robot­ics com­pe­ti­tion for thou­sands of youths from across the globe. And of course, what’s a birth­day with­out a par­ty? Our team had a blast cel­e­brat­ing together.


Duluth Tourism

Screenshot of webpage

Along­side our client, the city of Duluth, and our part­ners at Lawrence & Schiller, we sup­port­ed the launch of an updat­ed Vis­it Duluth web­site. We love how the refreshed site turned out, and think Duluth vis­i­tors will, too! We also worked with jour­nal­ists and social media influ­encers on plan­ning and coor­di­nat­ing their Duluth itin­er­aries, and we enjoyed send­ing these folks on jour­neys across the entire city.


Live Your Healthy Lyfe

A group of people pose for a selfie

Live Your Healthy Lyfe was a block par­ty event by the North­side com­mu­ni­ty for the North­side com­mu­ni­ty and beyond. The one-day, free fes­ti­val was designed to pro­vide Black res­i­dents with addi­tion­al acces­si­bil­i­ty to and aware­ness of area health resources. We were thrilled to be part of the event from the begin­ning, help­ing with plan­ning, secur­ing spon­sors, design and media relations.


Digi-Key Prod­uct Dis­tri­b­u­tion Cen­ter Rib­bon Cutting

Two women pose outside a new building

Client Digi-Key Elec­tron­ics cel­e­brat­ed the grand open­ing and rib­bon cut­ting for their Prod­uct Dis­tri­b­u­tion Cen­ter expan­sion in Thief Riv­er Falls, which offi­cial­ly enlarged the company’s head­quar­ters’ foot­print by 2.2 mil­lion square feet, mak­ing it one of the 10 largest ware­hous­es in North Amer­i­ca. Our team coor­di­nat­ed the media pres­ence at the event, which result­ed in excel­lent local, North Amer­i­can and trade cov­er­age of the mile­stone event.


Trim­ble Insight Tech­nol­o­gy Conference

Three people pose for a photo around a table

Mem­bers of our Tech­nol­o­gy Prac­tice Group were onsite in Orlan­do to sup­port client Trim­ble Trans­porta­tion at its Insight Tech Con­fer­ence + Expo. The team sched­uled and staffed media inter­views, an exec­u­tive round­table with media and pod­cast record­ings, result­ing in pos­i­tive event and com­pa­ny cov­er­age in indus­try trade publications.


Min­neso­ta State Fair: Princess Kay of the Milky Way, The Dairy Good­ness Bar & All You Can Drink Milk Stand

Princess Kay is interviewed by a journalist outside the MN State Fair gates

We once again worked with Mid­west Dairy, pro­mot­ing all things dairy at the Min­neso­ta State Fair. Our team secured media cov­er­age for the Princess Kay pro­gram, Fla­vor of the Fair, Dairy Good­ness Bar and All-You-Can-Drink Milk Stand, includ­ing sto­ries in The New York Times and Wall Street Jour­nal.


Min­neso­ta State Fair: Sec­ond Har­vest Heartland

A booth set up at the MN State Fair

Hunger is often reflect­ed in data and num­bers, but it’s such a human expe­ri­ence – everyone’s sto­ry mat­ters and deserves to be told. Client Sec­ond Har­vest Heart­land debuted its Sto­ry Har­vest Booth, cre­at­ed by Street Fac­to­ry, as part of MPR Day at the Fair. We man­aged the cre­ation of the booth in the weeks lead­ing up to the fair and helped fair­go­ers record their hunger and food stories.


Min­neso­ta State Fair: Blue­stone Physi­cian Services

Behind the scenes of a television interview

Client Blue­stone Physi­cian Ser­vices, is Minnesota’s largest pri­ma­ry care provider in assist­ed liv­ing and group homes. We secured a seg­ment for one of their physi­cians on FOX 9 at the Fair to talk about the hun­dreds of mem­o­ry tests they were admin­is­ter­ing to fairgoers.


Min­neso­ta State Fair: Min­neso­ta Wine Country

Behind the scenes of an on location tv interview

Cheers to anoth­er great year for the Min­neso­ta Wine Coun­try booth at the Min­neso­ta State Fair, coor­di­nat­ing media seg­ments and dai­ly edu­ca­tion presentations.


Whew! And that’s just a sam­pling of what has kept us busy over the past few months. Thanks to all our clients and part­ners for the oppor­tu­ni­ties to work on these projects – we’re look­ing for­ward to what the rest of the year will bring!

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