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New Tourism and Hospitality Clients

‘Tis the sea­son for grat­i­tude, of which we have plen­ty. Our clients and part­ners remain among the list of peo­ple and orga­ni­za­tions we are grate­ful for, and we’re excit­ed to share that our ros­ter has expand­ed. Recent­ly, our Tourism and Hos­pi­tal­i­ty prac­tice group has had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to start part­ner­ing with these new clients. We’re look­ing for­ward to build­ing these rela­tion­ships and help­ing share the unique sto­ries of these icon­ic Min­neso­ta companies.

  • Radis­son Blu Mall of Amer­i­caand accom­pa­ny­ing restau­rant, Fire­Lake Grill House & Cock­tail Bar, are two Twin Cities gems, and we’re thrilled to help them con­nect with locals and trav­el­ers alike. Both have a com­mit­ment to sus­tain­abil­i­ty and the local com­mu­ni­ty and have an array of offer­ings. Plus, with a con­ve­nient Mall of Amer­i­ca loca­tion, they’re easy to get to with free park­ing or by light rail. Whether it’s a stay­ca­tion, a Spring Break des­ti­na­tion or a place to grab a deli­cious meal, we’re excit­ed to help rein­tro­duce these brands to the metro and beyond.
  • FINNEGANS Brew Co. is built on a mis­sion to fund crit­i­cal needs in the com­mu­ni­ties it serves, while brew­ing deli­cious beer for con­sumers to enjoy. Through its beer dis­tri­b­u­tion, down­town Min­neapo­lis brew­ery, tap­room and urban court­yard, FINNEGANS deliv­ers on its mis­sion – “turn­ing beer into food” – by chan­nel­ing prof­its and funds raised to fight hunger hyper-local­ly in the mar­kets it serves. FINNEGANS House in Min­neapo­lis is also the home to event and cowork­ing spaces, and FINNo­va­tion Lab, a hub for social­ly mind­ed busi­ness­es and entre­pre­neurs to grow and devel­op with men­tors. We’re hon­ored to help share FINNEGANS’ many sto­ries and let­peo­ple know they can feel good about choos­ing FINNEGANS, as they’re help­ing their com­mu­ni­ty when they do.
  • Camp Birch­wood, locat­ed near Bemid­ji, Min­neso­ta, has a mis­sion we can all get behind: help­ing girls build con­fi­dence, lead­er­ship skills and find their pas­sions by embrac­ing the great out­doors at sum­mer camp. The camp has been cham­pi­oning girls since 1939, and we’re proud to be able to help share the lega­cy and sto­ry of the new own­ers, who are embark­ing on their first year as own­ers and direc­tors – but who have years of expe­ri­ence as campers, coun­selors and appren­tice own­ers already under their belts.

We extend a big thank you to these new clients – and our exist­ing clients – for trust­ing us to help tell your sto­ries. We’re excit­ed to dig in!

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