A can of dog brew is placed between a dog's front paws

From Dog Brews to Flowers to Digital Consultancy – Who’s New in Q2

We’re clos­ing out the sec­ond quar­ter with a vari­ety of new clients, each with inspir­ing visions. From an event that is break­ing down health bar­ri­ers in his­tor­i­cal­ly under­rep­re­sent­ed com­mu­ni­ties to an icon­ic fam­i­ly-owned florist, our team is proud to have wel­comed the fol­low­ing new clients in the past few months:

Bachman’s is a fam­i­ly-owned flo­ral, home, and gar­den des­ti­na­tion offer­ing exper­tise as well as flo­ral arrange­ments, plants, land­scap­ing, gifts, and home décor. Minnesota’s icon­ic florist since 1885, Bachman’s oper­ates indoor and out­door land­scap­ing divi­sions, a nurs­ery whole­sale divi­sion, eight acres of green­hous­es, and a 700-acre grow­ing range near Lakeville, Minn. Their fleet of pur­ple trucks deliv­ers more than 5,000 pack­ages dur­ing an aver­age week.

Nerdery is a pre­mier dig­i­tal prod­uct con­sul­tan­cy with a depth of expe­ri­ence in strat­e­gy, design, tech­nol­o­gy, and engi­neer­ing. Much more than con­sul­tants, they are allies for the dig­i­tal jour­ney — a col­lec­tion of proud “Nerds” who are unit­ed around a vision of relent­less­ly invent­ing a world that works bet­ter for all.

Live Your Healthy Lyfe is an event by the North­side com­mu­ni­ty for the North­side com­mu­ni­ty – is a block par­ty designed to draw as many as 2,500 peo­ple to West Broad­way Avenue to pro­vide Black res­i­dents with addi­tion­al acces­si­bil­i­ty to and aware­ness of health ser­vices to fight the stig­ma around address­ing health-relat­ed con­cerns due to sys­temic racism.

Tail Chas­er Dog Brew is a chef-inspired bone broth prod­uct made espe­cial­ly for dogs with sev­en sim­ple nat­ur­al ingre­di­ents- no salt, preser­v­a­tives and no fillers and can be used as a meal top­per to your pet’s reg­u­lar food, or as a fun and nutri­tious snack. Tail Chas­er will be avail­able at local restau­rants and brew­eries through­out the state the last week in June and at all CUB stores in Min­neso­ta, July 10th.

Con­ver­sa­tions with Kel­ly are inter­ac­tive speak­ing engage­ments to alle­vi­ate the suf­fer­ing of those expe­ri­enc­ing deep loss – explor­ing grief and loss, as well as hope, resilience, and peace.

Kel­ly Grosklags is a nation­al­ly known grief expert, speak­er, and author based in the Twin Cities with more than 25 years of expe­ri­ence work­ing in oncol­o­gy, end-of-life, and grief counseling.

Sonex Health’s mis­sion is to be the world leader in ultra­sound-guid­ed surgery by deliv­er­ing inno­v­a­tive ther­a­pies that reduce inva­sive­ness, improve safe­ty, and reduce the cost of care. Devel­oped by two Mayo Clin­ic doc­tors, Sonex Health’s first two pro­pri­etary tech­nolo­gies are FDA-approved to treat carpal tun­nel and trig­ger fingers.

Hen­nepin Emer­gency Med­ical Ser­vices is an urban/suburban 9–1‑1 EMS agency that han­dles more than 87,000 calls for ser­vice each year from the res­i­dents and vis­i­tors of Hen­nepin Coun­ty, Minn. Based at Hen­nepin Health­care in down­town Min­neapo­lis, Hen­nepin EMS serves 14 munic­i­pal­i­ties, cov­er­ing 266 square miles, and a resident/visitor pop­u­la­tion of near­ly 1.5 million.

Next­Up Twin Cities is a mem­ber­ship orga­ni­za­tion that works to advance all women in busi­ness. As the nation­al orga­ni­za­tion under­goes a major rebrand­ing – from Net­work of Exec­u­tive Women to Next­Up – we are hon­ored to help the Twin Cities chap­ter rein­tro­duce itself to the region and high­light a num­ber of high-impact upcom­ing events. This includes the organization’s July 21 event – Men Who Get It: Devel­op­ing & Ele­vat­ing Female Tal­ent– which is spon­sored by Bell­mont Part­ners and will fea­ture open­ing remarks from our very own Bri­an Bell­mont. All are wel­come to reg­is­ter and attend.

We’re look­ing for­ward to the work we can do togeth­er and are thank­ful for these oppor­tu­ni­ties! If you’d like to learn more about how we may be able to help your orga­ni­za­tion or busi­ness, please drop us a line!

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