A group of people smile for a photo around a table at a coffee shop

A Symphony of New Clients: Relievant Medsystems, Stilly and More

As the third quar­ter has come to a close, we are grate­ful for the diver­si­ty of clients we get to work with, includ­ing new projects and client rela­tion­ships – and some that are old yet new again. From bev­er­age brands to musi­cal acts, health­care com­pa­nies and more, our team is eager to con­tin­ue part­ner­ing with the fol­low­ing new clients:

Inter­faith Out­reach is an orga­ni­za­tion we’ve had the hon­or of work­ing with in the past, and we’re thank­ful for the oppor­tu­ni­ty to part­ner again. The non­prof­it pro­vides both emer­gency and long-term solu­tions relat­ed to food and cloth­ing, hous­ing, employ­ment, child­care, trans­porta­tion, and access to resources and healthy com­mu­ni­ty con­nec­tions. They also pro­vide learn­ing and ser­vice oppor­tu­ni­ties to engage indi­vid­u­als, busi­ness­es, schools, faith com­mu­ni­ties, civic groups, health sys­tems and foundations.

The O’Neill Broth­ers, an instru­men­tal piano duo from New Prague, Min­neso­ta, com­prised of broth­ers Tim and Ryan O’Neill, are one of Bell­mont Part­ners’ ear­ly clients that we’re always thrilled to have the chance to part­ner with again. For the past 25 years, Tim and Ryan’s music has been streamed online more than one bil­lion times. This Decem­ber, the duo is per­form­ing hol­i­day con­certs for the first time in more than a decade, and has launched a new non­prof­it, The O’Neill Foun­da­tion of Hope.

Relievant Medsys­tems is on a mis­sion to trans­form the diag­no­sis and treat­ment of ver­te­bro­genic low back pain, which is a dis­tinct type of chron­ic low back pain caused by dam­age to ver­te­bral end­plates. Backed by 30 years of research, the com­pa­ny devel­oped the break­through Intra­cept Pro­ce­dure, a min­i­mal­ly inva­sive pro­ce­dure that tar­gets the basiver­te­bral nerve for the relief of chron­ic ver­te­bro­genic low back pain.

Stil­ly bev­er­ages are NOT seltzers, and they’re not your ordi­nary cock­tails in a can; they’re an all-new cat­e­go­ry of unique adult bev­er­ages called a “stil­ly. A “stil­ly” is a light and refresh­ing cock­tail made with pre­mi­um vod­ka or oth­er dis­tilled spir­its, fine bub­bles, a squeeze of nat­ur­al juices, and nat­ur­al fla­vors. The exact ingre­di­ents and process­es used to make a “stil­ly” are a close­ly guard­ed secret, but con­sumers are prov­ing to love the taste of this unique and nat­u­ral­ly refresh­ing beverage.

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