Graphic of three headshots in circle frames

Bellmont Partners Promotes Three Team Members to Support Continued Growth

As Bell­mont Part­ners has con­tin­ued to grow – adding both new team mem­bers and new projects to our mix – it’s also been excit­ing to see long­time team mem­bers enhance their skills and take lead­er­ship roles in a num­ber of areas. That’s why we’re thrilled to announce the pro­mo­tion of three peo­ple, all who have con­tin­ued to impress their clients and col­leagues in big ways:

  • Short­ly after cel­e­brat­ing her five-year anniver­sary at the agency in late 2022, Michelle Grif­fith was pro­mot­ed to Direc­tor after serv­ing as an Account Super­vi­sor and pre­vi­ous­ly a Senior Account Exec­u­tive. In her new role, Michelle over­sees the new­ly formed Pro­fes­sion­al Ser­vices & Pub­lic Affairs prac­tice group and leads sev­er­al accounts. With a back­ground in health, tech­nol­o­gy and pro­fes­sion­al ser­vices, expe­ri­ence coun­sel­ing star­tups to large orga­ni­za­tions (and every­thing between), and a keen eye toward the inter­sec­tion of con­tent strat­e­gy and pub­lic rela­tions, Michelle is a future-look­ing leader and colleague.
  • Kalli Plump joined Bell­mont Part­ners as a Senior Account Exec­u­tive in 2019, bring­ing with her a wealth of expe­ri­ence in pub­lic affairs that has proven invalu­able to clients. Ear­li­er this year, Kalli was pro­mot­ed to Account Strate­gist + Pub­lic Affairs Lead and con­tin­ues to deep­en her exper­tise in all things pub­lic rela­tions and pub­lic affairs for clients across the agency. For exam­ple, she played a key role in sup­port­ing the Home­town Heroes Assis­tance Pro­gram. Check out her recent post on using com­mu­ni­ca­tions to cham­pi­on change at the Capi­tol.
  • Syd­ney Schoe­ber­le has worn many hats at Bell­mont Part­ners since start­ing with us in 2019, most recent­ly serv­ing as an Account Exec­u­tive. Her stel­lar account man­age­ment, media rela­tions and con­tent devel­op­ment skills on some of the agency’s most com­plex projects – not to men­tion her grow­ing role on Bell­mont Part­ners’ design team – earned her a pro­mo­tion to Senior Account Exec­u­tive ear­li­er this year. Syd­ney is tru­ly a uni­corn who seem­ing­ly does it all, all while pro­vid­ing stead­fast sup­port to her clients and teams.

Con­grat­u­la­tions to Michelle, Kalli and Syd­ney on these well-deserved promotions!

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