Account Supervisor Michelle Griffith Named a 32 Under 32 Winner

Account Supervisor Michelle Griffith Named a 32 Under 32 Winner

We’re excit­ed to share that Bell­mont Part­ners Account Super­vi­sor Michelle Grif­fith has been rec­og­nized as a “32 Under 32” by AdFed MN. The annu­al pro­gram hon­ors the top young mar­ket­ing and adver­tis­ing minds, and this year’s theme was The Dis­rup­tors – those who have rede­fined the norm in light of the chal­lenges of the past year.

Some­times being a dis­rup­tor in times of chaos means being the rock-steady per­son in the (vir­tu­al) room. Being the per­son who sees mas­sive change hap­pen­ing at every turn, plans being tossed out, uncer­tain­ty from every direc­tion, and who is able to take stock and calm­ly say, “We can do this, and here’s how.” That’s Michelle Grif­fith. With a knack for help­ing com­plex health-tech busi­ness­es tell their sto­ries and a can-do atti­tude, Michelle has shown again and again that she’s a leader who can guide oth­ers through tumul­tuous times.

Work­ing at the inter­sec­tion of health, tech­nol­o­gy and com­mu­ni­ca­tions, Michelle leads sev­er­al client teams at Bell­mont Part­ners. As a core mem­ber of both the Health and Tech­nol­o­gy prac­tice groups, Michelle has honed her inter­est and spe­cial­ty in health-tech start-ups – and as COVID-19 has changed the world in the past year, it’s a spe­cial­ty that’s more need­ed than ever.

Clients and col­leagues alike appre­ci­ate Michelle’s big-pic­ture out­look and calm demeanor – a win­ning com­bi­na­tion as she helps entre­pre­neur­ial clients chart a strate­gic path for­ward, nev­er afraid to ask the tough ques­tions and deliv­er coun­sel that keeps every­one point­ing toward the same goals.

At every turn in the past year, Michelle has stood out as a leader: with clients, with­in the agency, and in the greater com­mu­ni­ty. She is tru­ly an excep­tion­al young leader who is always look­ing for ways to grow, con­tribute to her work­place and give back.

The steady, pos­i­tive focus Michelle has dis­played in the past year only con­tin­ues to grow, and it’s a hall­mark of the type of lead­er­ship that will be need­ed in the indus­try for years to come. Con­grat­u­la­tions to Michelle and all the oth­er young dis­rup­tors on the 32 Under 32 list!

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