Bellmont Edina office interior

Quite a Quarter: Bellmont Partners Kicks off 2018 with New Practice Group, Office, Website and Accolades

Wasn’t it just last week we were toss­ing con­fet­ti into the air and yelling “Hap­py New Year!”? The first three months of 2018 have flown by, so I want­ed to hit pause for a sec­ond and reflect on a lot of what we’ve been up to here at Bell­mont Part­ners – over the span of just 80 days.

Since Super Bowl LII took place right in our Min­neso­ta back­yard, many of us spent the first few months of the year immersed in Big Game-relat­ed acti­va­tions for clients includ­ing Mid­west Dairy, CRAVE, Explore Min­neso­ta Tourism and Grand View Lodge.

We cel­e­brat­ed COO Jen Bellmont’s well-deserved inclu­sion as one of Min­neso­ta Busi­ness Magazine’s 2018 Women Who Lead. And we received five final­ist nods in this year’s MN PRSA Clas­sics Awards for our work with Mid­west Dairy, Sec­ond Har­vest Heart­land, the Min­neso­ta Fire­fight­er Ini­tia­tive and Peo­ple Incorporated.

We cement­ed our years of expe­ri­ence in the med­ical space by offi­cial­ly launch­ing our health prac­tice group, which is pro­vid­ing a strong focus and deep exper­tise for numer­ous med, med-tech and well­ness orga­ni­za­tions in Min­neso­ta and across the country.

We com­plet­ed our office expan­sion and remod­el – which now totals near­ly 6,000 square feet of col­lab­o­ra­tive and pri­vate space and final­ly a kitchen we can be proud of! – and com­mit­ted to a long-term lease renewal.

Just this week we debuted our new web­site, which does a bet­ter-than-ever job of giv­ing an online glimpse at our peo­ple and process, exper­tise and culture.

Through­out it all, our phe­nom­e­nal team has con­tin­ued to do strate­gic, results-dri­ven and award-win­ning work with some of the top com­pa­nies and orga­ni­za­tions both local­ly and nation­al­ly. I’m extreme­ly proud of our group for the excel­lent work they’re deliv­er­ing and for the fact that our peo­ple-cen­tric cul­ture has only grown stronger along the way.

Every­body at Bell­mont Part­ners is look­ing for­ward to con­tin­u­ing the momen­tum through­out the year – and beyond!

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