Jen and Shelli at an event

Jen Bellmont Honored as a Woman Who Leads

Last night, the Bell­mont Part­ners team had the priv­i­lege of attend­ing Min­neso­ta Busi­ness magazine’s Women Who Lead cel­e­bra­tion. We were espe­cial­ly excit­ed to hon­or part­ner and COO Jen Bell­mont. Each year, Min­neso­ta Busi­ness Mag­a­zine hon­ors women busi­ness lead­ers who are using their “exper­tise and voice to empow­er, men­tor and sup­port oth­ers.” Over the past 17 years, Jen has put these attrib­ut­es to work build­ing Bell­mont Part­ners from the ground up into a top-12 Twin Cities pub­lic rela­tions agency, and cul­ti­vat­ing a pos­i­tive and empow­er­ing cul­ture that allows our team to deliv­er the best pos­si­ble work and results from our clients and com­mu­ni­ties. And true to her hum­ble Min­neso­ta upbring­ing, she puts oth­ers first, focus­ing the atten­tion on her team and on help­ing oth­ers, whether it’s her clients, co-work­ers, media, fam­i­ly, friends, or any­one else in need.

As Part­ner and COO, Jen has been the dri­ving force behind a num­ber of ini­tia­tives and pro­grams designed to cre­ate an award-win­ning com­pa­ny cul­ture and give our team mem­bers the sup­port, encour­age­ment and resources to feel pro­fes­sion­al­ly and per­son­al­ly ful­filled – includ­ing our Bell­mont Gives Back ini­tia­tive. We’re so proud to have her as a leader to our team – this hon­or is more than well-deserved.

We also got to cel­e­brate two of our clients at last night’s recep­tion – Jill Wiede­mann-West, CEO of Peo­ple Incor­po­rat­ed, and Kim Brown, pres­i­dent of JNBA Finan­cial Advi­sors. Con­grat­u­la­tions to all of the hon­orees! Check out the full list here.

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