Women taking photo of coworkers

Moving Day

Hap­py New Year!

For us at Bell­mont Part­ners, the start of 2014 means the start of anoth­er adven­ture – with a brand-new address. We’ve offi­cial­ly out­grown our space in Pri­or Lake, Minn., and over the past few days we’ve been pack­ing up our desks, lap­tops and trade mag­a­zines in prepa­ra­tion for our move. Today we’re set­tling into our new offices at 494 and France (3300 Edin­bor­ough Way, Suite 700, Edi­na, MN 55435), a lit­tle clos­er to the hus­tle and bus­tle of the city, in a space designed from the ground up to sup­port the way we work best – collaboratively.

Over the past three years, Bell­mont Part­ners has expe­ri­enced sig­nif­i­cant growth: We’ve done work we’re extreme­ly proud of for clients old and new, and our team has expand­ed from four employ­ees to nine. As much as we’ve thrived in the news­room-style envi­ron­ment of our for­mer-work­out-stu­dio office (and love the fact that Edel­weiss Bak­ery’s frost­ing-heavy treats were always just a few steps from our front door), we’ve been wait­ing for this day for the past six months. And here we are: Design­ing the new office has been a labor of love, and now the walls are up, the paint is dry, and the glass is squeaky-clean. Cue the new-car­pet smell – it’s time to move in!

We’ll share more details in the com­ing weeks. In the mean­time, here’s a shot of our team wrap­ping things up in Pri­or Lake late last week, and a sneak peek of our new space.

Here’s to a phe­nom­e­nal 2014!

Adios, Pri­or Lake.
Hel­lo, new office!

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