Bellmont women holding two awards

Bellmont Partners Wins Two First-Place PRSA MN Classics Awards, Named Best of Show Finalist

We’re proud to announce that Bell­mont Part­ners took home two first-place tro­phies at the Min­neso­ta PRSA Clas­sics Awards last night and was named a Best of Show final­ist. Our agency also received final­ist nods in three oth­er categories.

We won first place for our work with:

The Min­neso­ta Fire­fight­er Ini­tia­tive (MnFIRE) in the Com­mu­ni­ty Rela­tions cat­e­go­ry. MnFIRE launched last year to uni­fy and spark con­ver­sa­tions among fire­fight­ers, their fam­i­lies, their com­mu­ni­ties and state pol­i­cy­mak­ers alike regard­ing fire­fight­er health, specif­i­cal­ly car­dio­vas­cu­lar dis­ease, can­cer and men­tal health. Our work includ­ed com­pre­hen­sive brand­ing efforts for the bur­geon­ing ini­tia­tive, includ­ing its name, logo, mes­sag­ing and com­mu­ni­ca­tions strat­e­gy and imple­men­ta­tion. This work was also hon­ored with a final­ist nod for Best of Show.

Peo­ple Incorporated’s Arta­bil­i­ty Art Show & Sale in the Spe­cial Events/Observances (Less Than Sev­en Days) cat­e­go­ry. Each year more than 100 Min­neso­ta artists with a men­tal health diag­no­sis show­case more than 500 pieces of art, with 80 per­cent of pro­ceeds going direct­ly back to the artists. Bell­mont Part­ners pro­vid­ed strat­e­gy, con­tent and media rela­tions sup­port to help pro­mote the Arta­bil­i­ty event and allow Peo­ple Incor­po­rat­ed to tell its broad­er story.

And we were named final­ists in three categories:

“Fuel­ing Great­ness from Farm to Fin­ish Line” with Mid­west Dairy in two cat­e­gories, Social Con­tent Series and Inte­grat­ed Pro­grams. Bell­mont Part­ners cre­at­ed a social con­tent series that fol­lowed North Dako­ta dairy farm­ers Andrew and Jen­nifer Holle as they trained for the Chica­go Marathon. The cam­paign gave fol­low­ers a behind-the-scenes look at how the Holles make health and well­ness a pri­or­i­ty in their busy fam­i­ly, shar­ing tips and inspi­ra­tion to oth­ers who want to live a health­i­er and more active lifestyle. At the marathon, Bell­mont Part­ners fol­lowed the hus­band-and-wife duo as they ran the 26.2‑mile course, map­ping their jour­ney in real-time on Mid­west Dairy’s social media plat­forms, as well as chron­i­cling the jour­ney through a series of blog posts and videos.

And in the Pub­lic Ser­vices cat­e­go­ry for the “Fill Anoth­er Table” ini­tia­tive with Sec­ond Har­vest Heart­land. As one of the nation’s hunger-relief lead­ers, Sec­ond Har­vest Heart­land turned to Bell­mont Part­ners to devel­op a high-pro­file cam­paign designed to help the orga­ni­za­tion reach its goal of pro­vid­ing 12 mil­lion meals over the Thanks­giv­ing sea­son. Our work with the “Fill Anoth­er Table” cam­paign includ­ed devel­op­ing and imple­ment­ing strat­e­gy, brand­ing – includ­ing the name and icon­ic orange fork at the cen­ter of the cam­paign – con­tent, part­ner tool kits and a robust media rela­tions effort. The ini­tia­tive raised funds to pro­vide more than 13 mil­lion meals.

We’re delight­ed to be rec­og­nized for our work and grate­ful every day for the oppor­tu­ni­ty to part­ner with our out­stand­ing clients. Con­grat­u­la­tions to all the win­ners and finalists!

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