Group of people smiling outdoors

Introducing Bellmont Connect

We’ve sat down with dozens and dozens of stu­dents and recent com­mu­ni­ca­tions grads in indi­vid­ual and small-group meet­ings over the years, and now Bell­mont Part­ners is excit­ed to announce its new work­shop series geared toward col­lege stu­dents and recent grads. In this two-hour “Bell­mont Con­nect” work­shop, stu­dents and recent grads will get an overview of the PR land­scape in the Twin Cities and an intro­duc­tion to Bell­mont Part­ners, as well as walk away with some tan­gi­ble tips to nav­i­gate the job search.

The first Bell­mont Con­nect work­shop will be:

  • Date: Fri­day, Feb. 23
  • Time: 8:30–10:30 a.m.
  • Loca­tion: Bell­mont Part­ners, 3300 Edin­bor­ough Way, Suite 700, Edi­na, MN 55435

We’ll start the morn­ing with a light break­fast and net­work­ing as we take in the beau­ti­ful views from our sev­enth-floor suite in Edi­na, then dive into specifics about the Twin Cities PR scene and Bell­mont Part­ners’ work. The work­shop por­tion will cov­er resume, LinkedIn and job search tips.

Fos­ter­ing new tal­ent has always been a pri­or­i­ty for Bell­mont Part­ners, and we’re look­ing for­ward to get­ting to know the up-and-com­ing PR pros in the Twin Cities.

Are you inter­est­ed in attend­ing? Fill out this Google Form, and we’ll get back to you with more details.

See you soon!

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