Hydei Nelson photo on award

Congrats to 32 Under 32 Winner Hyedi Nelson!

Con­grat­u­la­tions to 2017 32 Under 32 win­ner Hye­di Nel­son, who was select­ed from more than 100 nom­i­nees in Ad Fed Minnesota’s annu­al recog­ni­tion of the best young tal­ent in the mar­ket­ing, adver­tis­ing and pub­lic rela­tions industry.

As an account super­vi­sor at Bell­mont Part­ners, Hye­di has tak­en a lead­er­ship role in estab­lish­ing the firm’s med-tech and health focus area. In the past year alone, Hyedi’s work has spanned a med tech glob­al prod­uct launch; Sec­ond Har­vest Heart­land; NxThera, a med­ical device start­up; and Peo­ple Incor­po­rat­ed, Minnesota’s largest provider of men­tal health services.

One of Hyedi’s many strengths is that she’s adept at com­bin­ing and shift­ing between dif­fer­ent areas of com­mu­ni­ca­tions – brand­ing, mes­sag­ing, media rela­tions, social media, dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing, influ­encer out­reach, events and more – to deliv­er the best results for her clients. She brings a for­ward-think­ing approach to her clients, even in high­ly reg­u­lat­ed indus­tries such as health care. For exam­ple, she’s an expert resource to her health clients on how to adhere to Food and Drug Admin­is­tra­tion (FDA) guide­lines in social media, and has men­tored sev­er­al col­leagues on the top­ic as well.

Out­side of work, Hye­di has been deeply involved in the Twin Cities com­mu­ni­ty and the local advertising/marketing scene since she moved here near­ly 14 years ago to attend the Uni­ver­si­ty of Min­neso­ta. She is an active vol­un­teer and leader, gen­er­ous­ly lend­ing her time and tal­ents to many com­mu­ni­ty and pro­fes­sion­al ini­tia­tives. Cur­rent­ly, Hyedi’s vol­un­teer roles include:

  • Women’s Health Lead­er­ship TRUST – mem­ber of mar­ket­ing com­mu­ni­ca­tions committee
  • Girls on the Run-Twin Cities – vol­un­teer and mem­ber of Lim­it­less Poten­tial Lun­cheon host com­mit­tee, and past mem­ber of the board of direc­tors and mar­ket­ing chair
  • Faith’s Lodge – volunteer
  • Med­ical Alley – mem­ber and lead con­tact for Bell­mont Partners
  • Uni­ver­si­ty of Min­neso­ta School of Jour­nal­ism and Mass Com­mu­ni­ca­tion – men­tor in the Alum­ni Men­tor Program

Above all, Hye­di is sim­ply a joy to work with, whether you’re her col­league or client. Her sense of humor and direct style set her apart, and she’s extreme­ly gen­er­ous – the true def­i­n­i­tion of a team play­er. Con­grat­u­la­tions on the 32 Under 32 win, Hyedi!

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