Grid of Bellmont Team at various events

Cheers to Super Bowl LII and the Bold North

Just like that, it’s over. After months of prepa­ra­tion and 10 activ­i­ty-filled days with clients, we can final­ly cel­e­brate a job well done – not just for our­selves and our clients, but for the whole busi­ness and cre­ative com­mu­ni­ty in Min­neso­ta. As we reflect on the days lead­ing up to Super Bowl LII, we’re struck by how lucky we are to live in the Bold North, where we’re as warm as we are hum­ble, our hardy spir­its can endure sub-zero wind chills with a smile, and we have a local mar­ket­ing and PR com­mu­ni­ty that stepped up big time to show the rest of the world our cre­ativ­i­ty. We want to extend a huge thank you and con­grat­u­la­tions to the Min­neso­ta Super Bowl Host Com­mit­tee for coor­di­nat­ing and exe­cut­ing this mon­u­men­tal event. We’re hop­ing your exhaust­ing days and sleep­less nights were worth the amaz­ing spec­ta­cle achieved. We know ours were!

From staffing the Fuel Up to Play 60 booth all eight days of the Super Bowl Expe­ri­ence with Mid­west Dairy – not to men­tion the ideation, plan­ning, coor­di­nat­ing booth ele­ments, media rela­tions and social media man­age­ment – to spread­ing the word about CRAVE’s Rooftop Ice Lounge & Ice Fish­ing Expe­ri­ence and Explore Minnesota’s adorable ’Sota Pop exhib­it, we were proud to put our skills to work along­side our clients in the midst of one of the high­est-pro­file events Min­neso­ta has ever hosted.

Here are just a few more pho­tos that cap­ture our team stretch­ing our strate­gic com­mu­ni­ca­tions mus­cles dur­ing the past few weeks.

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