Michelle and Breanna holding an award

Fueling Greatness and an Award-Winning Campaign

Bell­mont Part­ners is proud to add a new award to our shelf – a 2018 Gold­en ARC Award from the Ag Rela­tions Coun­cil – for our work last fall on a social media cam­paign on behalf of Mid­west Dairy.

Mid­west Dairy was look­ing for a way to authen­ti­cal­ly con­nect con­sumers with dairy farm­ers’ sto­ries – not only to show how hard they work each and every day to pro­vide nutri­tious and deli­cious prod­ucts but also to high­light these farm­ers’ com­mit­ments to health and well­ness in their own communities.

To do this, Mid­west Dairy and the Fuel Up to Play 60 pro­gram – which pro­motes active lifestyles fueled by prop­er nutri­tion –  spon­sored a team of dairy cham­pi­ons to run in the 40th Bank of Amer­i­ca Chica­go Marathon, and they tapped Bell­mont Part­ners to exe­cute an inte­grat­ed social media cam­paign across Face­book, Insta­gram and Twit­ter high­light­ing two dairy farm­ers’ participation.

The Chica­go Marathon was a unique oppor­tu­ni­ty to high­light the farm­ers’ com­mit­ments to health and well­ness that’s woven into and fueled by their life on the farm, and this ini­tia­tive allowed con­sumers to fol­low along as the farm­ers trained for the race. Using blogs, videos, “takeovers” and real-time sto­ries, we fol­lowed Andrew and Jen­nifer Holle as they trained for the race in their home town of Man­dan, ND. Dur­ing the two-month cam­paign, Bell­mont Part­ners gave fol­low­ers a behind-the-scenes look at how the Holles’ busy fam­i­ly is able to make health and well­ness a pri­or­i­ty, as well as pro­vid­ed tips and inspi­ra­tion to oth­ers who want to live a more healthy and active lifestyle, includ­ing recipes to demon­strate how dairy can play a role.

At the marathon, Bell­mont Part­ners fol­lowed the hus­band-and-wife duo as they ran the 26.2‑mile course, map­ping their jour­ney in real-time on Mid­west Dairy’s social media plat­forms, as well as chron­i­cling their final weeks of train­ing through a series of blog posts, videos, social media posts and media rela­tions. The cam­paign was a brand-new approach for Mid­west Dairy, dif­fer­ent from any­thing they had done in the past to reach and con­nect authen­ti­cal­ly with a broad­er con­sumer audi­ence, and the engage­ment and feed­back showed how much it resonated.

As a long-stand­ing part­ner of Mid­west Dairy, we’re proud to accept this award on behalf of our work and theirs, pro­mot­ing the healthy liv­ing val­ues both our orga­ni­za­tions are pas­sion­ate about. Thanks to the Ag Rela­tions coun­cil for the recog­ni­tion, and con­grat­u­la­tions to the oth­er winners!

Watch some high­lights from the Holles’ jour­ney and this award-win­ning campaign!


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