women smiling together at a sporting event

Bellmont Partners Welcomes Brienna Schuette as a Strategic Partner

Bell­mont Part­ners is pleased to wel­come Bri­enne Schuette to our team as a strate­gic part­ner. She has spent the major­i­ty of her career cre­at­ing and exe­cut­ing strate­gic, mul­ti-plat­form mar­ket­ing plans for the Min­neso­ta State Fair’s annu­al cam­paigns and spe­cial ini­tia­tives. As the youngest spokesper­son in Min­neso­ta State Fair his­to­ry, Bri­en­na con­duct­ed near­ly 100 local radio, tele­vi­sion and print inter­views annu­al­ly; was inter­viewed by all four Minneapolis/St. Paul nation­al tele­vi­sion net­work affil­i­ates, plus the New York Times, Tonight Show, USA Today, Food Net­work and Trav­el Chan­nel; and wrote hun­dreds of head­lines and pro­mo­tion­al pieces seen by millions.

Bell­mont Part­ners has worked with Bri­en­na in var­i­ous ways through­out the past 10 years through our work with clients at the Min­neso­ta State Fair, includ­ing the Mid­west Dairy Asso­ci­a­tion and Min­neso­ta Wine Coun­try, among others.

Look­ing to con­tin­ue her career in the events world, sup­port the busi­ness­es she had a pas­sion for and chase her dream of own­ing a mar­ket­ing-com­mu­ni­ca­tions busi­ness, Bri­en­na found­ed Mox­ie & Dri­ve Mar­ket­ing in ear­ly 2017. The full-ser­vice con­sul­tan­cy spe­cial­izes in solu­tions for the indus­tries of food, fairs, fes­ti­vals and fam­i­ly fun.

We’re excit­ed to part­ner with Bri­en­na on a vari­ety of clients. She’ll lend her strate­gic com­mu­ni­ca­tions exper­tise to our work on major events and fes­ti­vals, media rela­tions and writ­ing projects, and we look for­ward to work­ing with her on sev­er­al initiatives.

(Above: Bri­en­na Schuette (cen­ter) spent the bulk of her career pro­mot­ing the Min­neso­ta State Fair. How awesome!)

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