children sitting on football field

Bellmont Partners Goes “Bold North” for the Big Game

With 5,800 media sched­uled to be in the Twin Cities to cov­er Super Bowl LII, and hun­dreds of thou­sands of addi­tion­al vis­i­tors expect­ed, the stakes are high for Min­neso­ta to show the world what it means to be the “Bold North.” At Bell­mont Part­ners, we couldn’t be more excit­ed to embrace the challenge.

After all, the expe­ri­ence includes many of our favorite things: events, fan acti­va­tion, the media and social media spot­lights on Min­neso­ta – and did we men­tion cus­tomized vir­tu­al real­i­ty? We’ve been busy for months on sev­er­al client projects, all rolling out in the days lead­ing up to the Big Game, including:

With the event plan­ning, media preps and social media strate­gies behind us, we couldn’t be more excit­ed to be in imple­men­ta­tion mode as Super Bowl LII is fast approach­ing. We’re thrilled to high­light our cre­ative, inno­v­a­tive clients and help show the rest of the world all that the “Bold North” has to offer!

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