People on the patio

Bellmont Bash open house

After what felt like the longest win­ter ever, we cel­e­brat­ed our new Edi­na office — and spring — in style yes­ter­day with a “Bell­mont Bash” open house. It was a ter­rif­ic evening of social­iz­ing with clients, busi­ness part­ners, friends and fam­i­lies over food and drinks. We had a blast intro­duc­ing par­ty-goers to one anoth­er and watch­ing the con­ver­sa­tions take off from there. We also loved show­ing off our space and explain­ing the design deci­sions behind each ele­ment, from the abun­dant glass walls and open spaces that help cre­ate a col­lab­o­ra­tive ener­gy, to the balcony’s view of the Min­neapo­lis and St. Paul sky­lines (and a killer sun­set). All that glass was also use­ful for let­ting in nat­ur­al light when a neigh­bor­hood-wide pow­er out­age hap­pened min­utes before the par­ty began. (But we were pret­ty hap­py when the lights and A/C came back in an hour).

Check out more pho­tos from the Bell­mont Bash on our Face­book page. If you missed the open house, don’t despair; we’re look­ing for­ward to host­ing many more events. Thanks to every­one for cel­e­brat­ing with us!

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